New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries || April 19-20
I know that you are feeling hungry for so much more — I know that you are ready for real pleasure, real fulfillment and alignment with your actions / creations.
I know that you are ready to ritualize, romanticize, and weave delectable artistry into everything that you do. I know that you refuse to be a spoke in the wheel, a product of the overculture marketing machine.
This eclipse portal now is a clearing of the mirror, the vanishing of smoke, to peer clearer into the fullness of ourSelves at the deepest level.
Eclipses usher in endings and beginnings, ready or not. They are devolving and evolving, quantum breakthroughs, and the first words of a new chapter being written.
May you now relish in the ability to taste the essence of who you are the deepest levels — seeing how you are here to walk this planet, to give and receive, to create and love and nurture.
This is a time to weave True Beauty into everything that you do, moving further away from object consciousness and into expanded awareness. To make the mundane magical. To turn routine into ritual. To diversify and expand horizons beyond horizons, with a clearer heart and sincere intentions.
There is also great forgiveness needing to happen now, as with seeing who we are today exists in contrast of seeing who we used to be — what we have done, where we have been, how we may be perceived by certain people as a result of that … and we are being asked to completely forgive this person (who we used to be) for their ignorance, for their innocence, for their temporary unconsciousness, for their victimhood … for it all.
We can say ~ “I am so very sorry, and I am so very grateful, as it is you who brought me here, home to my True Self.”
I know that you wish that you could have been “perfect” all of the time. I know that you wish you could have said no to what hurt you, to what hurt others. I know that you wish that you could have remained awake, never gone to sleep, remained whole.
We wish, we wish, we wish ...
But wishing is a distraction from Truth, from the fullness of this moment Now.
There is incredible healing power in acceptance of these contrasts, in the nature of awakening, which asks us to intimately know the contrast of darkness and light, sleepiness and alertness, sickness and health.
May you recognize that the perfection of God beats in our perceived imperfections — everything dancing in divine balance. At this eclipse, may you release the past to make way for the perfection of the present moment to live through you, awake and alert to the beauty all around you. Seen and unconditionally loved (by yourSelf) for it all.