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» New Moon + Solar Eclipse 6/10 in Gemini «

new moon solar eclipse in gemini 6/10 moon + rock astrology 2021

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» This June's NEW MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE on 6/10 is in Gemini « 

June 10 3:53am / 6:53am EST / 11:53am BST / 8:53pm AEST

⊹   ⊹   ⊹


❖ Essences

New start, moving forward, pacing, confirming, returning, prioritizing, self reliance


❖ Questions to Ask

Where was I this time last year (mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually?) What was happening for me?

What are my highest priorities at this time? Am I tending to them daily?

What are a few of my most important values right now?

Do I feel that I am living in alignment with these values? If so, how? If not, why not?

What is “beginning” for me now? What seeds are being planted in my heart?


❖ What to Become Aware of

New Moons in themselves are tender creation portals — they are beginnings, prayers and intentions seeded, inaugurations of a sorts. They are vital opportunities for a new start. When coupled with a Solar Eclipse, such as we have now, these “new start” energies are amplified and we are presented with a freedom and a will to enter into deeper presence with our own lives, more clearly seeing the way forward.

Gemini is our sign of information processing, communication lines, and mental energy. It tends to move quickly, sometimes overlooking some important details that need to be considered in order for something to work out as we imagine it to. Gemini is a sign of duality and may mean cycling back through an experience more than once in order to really come to the clarity, in full consideration, that is needed. At this time, Eclipse portal may be brining us back through an experience that is connected to this time last year, in which we are given a new opportunity to begin again with more information, clearer communication and understanding.

Where were you this time last year? What was happening for you? Where were you going, or where were you intending to go? Spend some time in reflection on this and notice threads that pull you from there to here, in this present moment now. Notice how you have evolved, and what new speckles of information or support you have now that you didn’t have then. Locate 20 degrees of Gemini in your natal chart for which house this energy is in.

With Gemini, our beginnings are really picking up the pace, and yet with Mercury Retrograde stationed right there in Gemini with Sun and Moon, we are simultaneously slowing down. This slowing down is the deeper reflection and consideration that these energies could really benefit from, so as to bring us into greater clarity, trust, and understanding of the way forward. This slowing down is a vital grounding. We need to consider our priorities and values at this time — how is what we are doing and where we are going aligned (or not aligned) with our higher values? Where do we need to make adjustments?

Similarly, we are basking in energies of greater self-reliance, releasing dependency upon the crowd, the system, or the structures we have given too much of our power away to. We can realize now that it really does take more emotional and mental energy to perpetuate our reliance upon others / external world than it does for us to just recognize that in this moment now, we can take back our power by coming into complete trust of ourselves, the universe, and all the guiding forces of body, mind, and spirit. We can trust now that though we may not hold all the details of what is to come, and though we may not have the qualifications that those we most rely upon do, we do still have the upmost support from our own higher Selves, if we should so choose it. And this — this self-reliance — is all that there really is at the end of the day, and it is all that we really need. Absolute love of ourselves, compassion for ourselves, and trust in ourselves will get us where we *really* need to go. Our own hearts are the seeds.

new moon solar eclipse in gemini 6/10 moon + rock astrology 2021

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