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» New Moon on 6/3 in Gemini «

new moon in gemini on 6/3


» This May's New Moon on 6/3 is in Gemini «



Motivation, courage, confidence, communication, story, inspiration, information

Questions to Ask

What is motivating me most at this New Moon? What are my top five priorities in life?

What seeds am I planting at this New Moon? What am I intending to manifest at this time?

What is my current level of confidence? 

Am I being vulnerable with myself and others? Do I feel courageous in standing up for what I believe + for what matters to me? If not, why not? What do I fear?

What tools can I call upon at this Moon to boost my confidence and courage?

Do I feel present and open in my communication with others? 

What stories are inspiring me most at this time?

What to Become Aware of

This is a time of information overload in our lives, through various outlets — through media, through community, and through our own intuitive conversing. And sometimes, it’s hard to differentiate what is ours to carry and what isn’t. New Moons are our chance to tune in to our own inner worlds, to get vulnerable with what we find there and love it with fierce compassion. New Moons serve as symbols of opportune times to begin anew — to plant seeds in fresh, fertile soil for what we intend to witness the growth of in coming months (or years). This is a time to practice patience with how life on Earth takes it’s sweet time to unfurl and flow. We live in a radically urgent society — all information available to us within seconds at the tap of our thumbs, at least when there is a wifi signal available. But when there is no wifi signal available, we are called tune into our spirit signal … that inherent wire of connection and communion with the natural world and with the cosmos. This is the signal which serves to heal us and usher us deeper into an intuitive existence, steeped in peace, ease, courage and inspiration. My we be motivated at this New Moon to ask for the remembrance of what is needed of us — How are we best able to show up in the world? How are we best able to stand for what matters to us? How can we walk with more kindness, forgiveness, openness for those of an opposing perspective?

This all begins within us. Within each of us. To change the world is to change ourselves ~ To choose love. To choose to breathe deeper and easier amongst a society that thrives on our anxiety and low self-worth. To radiate a confidence that pours from the stars amongst a society that makes us believe that we aren’t enough.

When wired into our spirit signal, we are more than enough. We have no reason not to be enough. We have no reason not to be perfection. The trees serve their purpose. The bees serve their purpose. You serve your purpose. All is Gorgeous. We are made of the same 4 strands of DNA, the same timeless stardust, the same delicate earth-stuff as the natural world around us. We are worthy of calling in what we want to see change. We are worthy of taking action on our great visions and dreams. We are connected through the ages through story and Beauty. What is your Beauty Way? What does it mean to you to walk intuitively, act lovingly, and serve purposefully?

Plant those seeds at this New Moon. Care for your inner world before consuming the overload of information of the outer world. There will be another time for that. But this night, this New Moon, this is is your time for giving thanks. On this darkest night, this is your time to shine.


A Ritual to Practice

Breathing in Change

New Moons occur when the Sun + Moon come into alignment at the same degree astrologically. As this happens, the masculine energy of the Sun melts into the feminine energy of the Moon, opening us to accept our wholeness and breathe new life into areas of stagnation, anxiety, or overwhelm. This is our time to transform what isn't serving us into intention for where we would like to experience growth, healing, and positive change. On this New Moon, create a simple space for yourself to breathe inspiration into where you could use a change.

  • Begin by cleaning up and curating a spot for yourself (whether inside or out in nature) to sit with yourself in silence and ease
  • Begin by breathing -- consciously, peacefully, allowing the natural flow of breath through you body to release areas of tension or pain
  • Stay here for a few minutes. Breathe in love, exhale fear. Breathe in love, exhale fear.
  • Then bring to mind what needs to change. Where are you being called to alchemize, to shine? Breathe all the love you have mustered into there.
  • Either write or recite aloud the following prayer ~ "To All my relations, to All that is within me and beyond me, I honor your presence here. May all I do foster a deeper connection with you. Please make me a vessel of all that is good, to see through what is needed of me. Help me to carry great love in my intentions. May I be a channel of change for all that is needed at this time."  


* image by Robert Moses

Share this Moon Letter with anyone you feel would find some love from it ~

::: Have you downloaded Meagan's Intuitive Moon E-Book? This little book is intended to serve as your appetizer to these bi-monthly love letters. 

This book is not about teaching you how to work with the Moon in order to get what you want. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to encourage you to use the Moon as a symbol in your life — a symbol with whatever meaning you decide. I am so honored to take this journey with you! :::

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