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✧ New Moon on 4/15 in Aries ✧

moon & rock / meagan moon / meaning of new moon on 4/15 in Aries / message from the moon


✧ This April's New Moon is on 4/15 in Aries 


“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.” — Eckhart Tolle


Essences: Change, revitalization, health, balance, bliss, passion, expansion, love


Questions to Ask: Am I ready to get to know myself better, by facing my fears?

What fear(s) do I feel that I’m not quite ready to deal with?

What am I ready to change within myself?

What am I ready to change in my outside world?

What are three little things I can begin doing consistently every day to get closer to my goals?

What are my New Moon manifestations? What wants to show up in my life this month?


What to Become Aware of:  Exciting, passionate change is in the air for all of us. If you’re human and you’re breathing, then you are growing, evolving, changing every day. You are the embodiment of the caterpillar into the butterfly, with every decision that you make. But even though, remember that you are not mis-aligned, and you are not out-of-place. You are on your way, exactly where you chose to be — where you are presently destined to be. There is no where else that you need to go, no one else that you need to be. Surrender, because even through it all, we are all already home.

Though transformation is exciting, full of beauty and love, that does not denote that such change won’t be bumpy — all change brings growing pains. But the excitement of a shift consumes us when we hold a perspective of gratitude for change being the only constant in existence. Everything is always in flux, including us, and it is all headed back into Love. It is all only for our greatest good. New Moons are very much about surrendering into the deep darkness of the night, to open our heart’s wide and allow what wants to be felt, to be felt. To allow what wants to come through, to come through you. This New Moon night, allow yourself the space to surrender into the subtle, and larger shifts that are swirling within and around you. Allow them to revitalize you! Allow them to rejuvenate and inspire your entire being. 

The best place to begin making conscious change is within — by becoming aware of the vibration or energy that we hold, and making shifts from there. Once we align our own vibration with the energy that we want to experience manifest more in our lives, then we become a powerful magnet for those things. They begin showing up in mysterious ways that we don’t always foresee. It all begins within — with your energy, your thoughts, your feelings, your fears, your bliss. Look at them, because they are here to teach — to show you where to go next. Let change move you.


A Ritual to Practice: Manifestation Proclamation

Remember the latter two questions above? — What are three little things I can begin doing consistently every day to get closer to my goals? What are my New Moon manifestations? What wants to show up in my life this month?

Pull out your favorite paper, and get your answers in ink. Allow yourself some quiet meditative space to feel into the changes occurring, as well as the changes you would like to see occur in your life. Begin by answering these questions with the ways you can vibrationally align your feelings to what it is that you want. Then, get practical! What are the steps you can begin implementing in your life each day in order for these manifestations to breathlessly come through? 

Once you’ve written it all down, surrender them all up to the mystery of whether or not they will literally show up for you. Clear the energy of the room and of your list by saging. Take your list out to the Earth. Offer it up to Her. Bury it. Place it in a stream or in the nook of a tree. Wherever calls to you. 

Proclaim your manifestations, but don’t forget to feel into what it would be like for the Universe to have an entirely different plan. Whatever the plan, the accompanied change is so, so good.


⟡ Have you downloaded Meagan's FREE Intuitive Moon E-Book? This little book is intended to serve as your appetizer to these bi-monthly love letters. 

This book is not about teaching you how to work with the Moon in order to get what you want. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to encourage you to use the Moon as a symbol in your life — a symbol with whatever meaning you decide. I am so honored to take this journey with you!   

* Image artist is unknown

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