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» New Moon 5/11 in Taurus «

new moon in taurus 5/11 astrology 2021 moon + rock

art is Ben F. Laposky, Oscillon 40, 1952

» This May's NEW MOON on 5/11 is in Taurus « 

May 11 11:59am PST / 2:59pm EST / 6:59pm GMT

May 12 6:59pm AEST

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❖ Essences

Transformation, contemplation, choice, clarity, integration, perseverance, courage


❖ Questions to Ask

What bigger themes have been arising for me in recent months? How have they made me feel?

How do I feel about them now? How am I relating to them now?

What do I feel called to gain clarity on?

What choices am I presently making?

What is beginning anew for me? Where is transformation occurring?

What does the bigger picture of my life look like? (Describe it simply in whatever ways you feel called to, maybe that’s through art or dance or words)

How am I committing to this vision of life?


❖ What to Become Aware of

A new energy cycles begins with a New Moon and the start of eclipse season! These are big energies of change and transformation and we need to be clear here about what we are intending for and where we are heading next. We have great cosmic support right now and in the coming months to persevere into a change that has been building for some time, and it hasn’t been quite time to integrate it all until now. This season is going to get a lot of energy moving from now through June.

Take some space to contemplate the bigger themes that have been coming up for you since late March. How have you moved through those themes and what are you understanding about them now? How do you relate with them now? We can benefit now from looking to our core values and make clear choices based upon what we intuit we will need in the long run. The transformative choices made around this New Moon are not for quick pleasure — like a sugar cookie hit. Rather they are choices made that reconstruct us on a cellular level and keep us nourished for the long haul — like a warm herbal infusion.

Remember that you have been ready for change. You have been asking for it, and finally, you get exactly what you need and you can trust in it, as whatever it is, it is coming from your heart of hearts and is grounded in a prolonged vision that of course benefits you, but is similarly so much bigger than you. Your prayers now are for yourself and for your future generations. You are ready to say yes. You have the courage to follow through. Do it your way and be gentle with yourself. Change comes in many forms — as big outward life shifts, or big inward ones. As all begins within us anyways, this lovely Moon could be making clear for you how it is exactly you are called to operate in the world now, given who you have evolved into and what you now know. But with such heavy Taurus energy involved, and with Venus in Gemini (both quite grounded signs), your inner shifts may be making waves into new life experiences that are going to take you quicker to where you have been intending to go.

This really is a lovely, practical energy that we can lean sweetly into. We can trust in divine timing and unfoldment. Again, this is supporting the bigger picture of our lives as one Earth family and holds us to a courage for the long-haul, rather than a this-day or this-moment attachment to the familiar. We’re flying out of comfort zones, finding new ground in the embrace of the Great Mystery as we are called to remember that the answers are never really the answers — hard answers may only cycle us back through the mental barriers that keep us from falling into the zest of the Mystery. Open-hearted, inquisitive, flexible but committed. May we embody these sentiments now. May we commit to keeping an open heart and soaring upon the zesty winds of change, together.

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