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✧ Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on 7/27 in Aquarius ✧

 full moon total lunar eclipse in Aquarius on 7/27 by meagan moon / moon & rock

✧ This July's Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is on 7/27 is in Aquarius 

The moon represents the most blissful phenomenon, the most beautiful. One can become that beauty, that splendour.
It is within our reach; we can hold the moon in our hearts.
Going to the moon is just useless.
Far more significant is the process of bringing the moon in.
It can be brought in.
It can become a guest if you are ready to become a host.
And when your inner being is full of moonlight great bliss starts happening. “ 
— Osho 


Essences: Maturity, integrity, creativity, connection, expansion, intention, power, change

Questions to Ask: Where am I feeling called to step up in integrity and maturity in life?

Do I presently believe in my ability to step up? If not, what is keeping me from seeing my full potential and power?

What does my full potential and power look like (colors, textures, movements)? What does it feel like (sensations, emotions)? 

What does speaking my truth sound like this week? What does my intuition desperately want to say? What will it take for me to get up the courage and say it?

Am I afraid of others judging me for my changes and transformations? If so, why? If not, why not?

In what ways do I feel that I have changed this month? What transformations are occurring?

Do I ask for help when I need it? If not, what is keeping me from doing so?

What could I presently reach out to others to ask for help on?

What aspects of my physical environment could use some sprucing up and intention? What needs to be cleared away? What needs to be brought in?


What to Become Aware of: What an insanely beautiful night we have! There is a Full Moon and a Total Lunar Eclipse, as well as Mercury going into retrograde. Our cosmos are breathtaking. The nighttime is so sacred. It is a time when we can really allow ourselves to sink into the energetic, emotional sides of life, to more clearly feel our full potential and power. And Full Moon nights are especially brilliant times to do so! Full Moons tend to illuminate the more stagnant, shadowy sides of ourselves that need some non-judgmental looking at. Full Moons come with blessings in showing us where we’re at — and it is up to us to decide whether we want to celebrate and be grateful for them, or distract ourselves in denial. This Full Moon is our chance to really begin to embody the changes and transformations occurring for us this year — to own them with an unapologetic air, and allow them to alchemize everything that feels out of alignment in our reality. The only way to manifest our intuition’s dream reality, is by facing what feels like the opposite — facing our feelings courageously in order to transform them into something new. 

What do you so desperately desire to create, do, and be at this powerful Full Moon? What keeps you from doing so? In my humble experience, this all comes back to self-worth. Meaning, the beliefs we have about ourselves and our worthiness in this lifetime. When we don’t believe that we are worthy of what we dream, we attach ourselves to a low vibration of stagnancy, and this vibration can weirdly become very comfortable. It is often what we believe to be our “comfort zone” that is actually the most uncomfortable zone, because it’s not a divine depiction of who we truly are in our full potential and power. In the stagnant vibration of low self-worth, we may still be manifesting and attracting what we “want”, but these manifestations will be coming with lessons that we’ve likely learned over and over again. And most importantly, these manifestations will not be reflections of our most intuitive, authentic nature — they will be reflections of our low self-worth. Tonight is a brilliant time to sit honestly with yourself, allowing the illumination of the Full Moon to reveal to you where you’re stagnant and a little “too comfortable”. Write it out. Speak it to a lover or dear friend. Ask for help when you need it! Reach out for connection to remember that you are loved and you are not alone. 

When we allow the Full Moon to illuminate our intuition, we can see that the Universe is lovingly working with us, to bring only Beauty into this human reality. We can see that our job, in these human suits, is to wake up to and follow intuitive pings without identification, attachment, or demand for them to go some particular way or another. Tonight, it is our job to own our full intuitive potential and power — to see our divine beauty and right to manifest what we desire for this life. Tonight, we celebrate, and we give gratitude for all that is being illuminated, especially when it feels hard. It is the toughest things that the Universe gives to us to prove to us that we are ready.

You are ready. You have everything that you need. Do not be afraid to transform. It is your divine right.


A Ritual to Practice: Gratitude Ceremony

If you have read my Intuitive Moon E-Book, then you’ve likely read about or already practiced this Full Moon Gratitude Ceremony. And I feel that tonight is the perfect night to do it, so I’m going to post it here! Giving gratitude for what feels hard lifts us from that vibration of low-self worth, into the highest vibration of gratitude. Know that with this practice, there is nothing that you really need to solve — all you need to do is bring in an awareness of wanting to lift you spirits from what feels stagnant and disconnected, to what feels fluid and in alignment with your highest desires.

 What to do:

Gift yourself a simple ceremony to express all that you are currently grateful for. When you are able, the yummiest thing to do is watch the Full Moon rise just after the Sun has set. When doing so, focus your awareness on letting Her light in. Let it cleanse and expose the deepest aspects of you. This isn’t a time to necessarily get quiet and still, but could be a time to allow yourself to get loony — sing, shout, dance, and move in all the ways you need to in order to bring up and release stagnant energy. Let the Moon’s light move you far more than physically — allow Her to move your whole being. Let what rises be from your most intuitive space of gratitude and love. Allow all of you to be healed by this light. Let this be your moving meditation.

Then, create yourself a gratitude list! One of the most powerful things in life is to put what we are grateful for down on paper, and to then say it aloud in excitement, and possibly in tears. I cry so often during this practice. To let our thoughts and feelings become real things in this way, we declare their existence and make them so. Write out 10 things that you are grateful for in your life. These could be absolutely anything! These could be feelings you’re grateful to have, experiences you’re grateful to have, people who support you, places that hold you, food that nourishes you … send out all your love. 




* Art is by @lovelindsaymarie


⟡ Have you downloaded Meagan's Intuitive Moon E-Book? This little book is intended to serve as your appetizer to these bi-monthly love letters. 

This book is not about teaching you how to work with the Moon in order to get what you want. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to encourage you to use the Moon as a symbol in your life — a symbol with whatever meaning you decide. I am so honored to take this journey with you!   

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