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~ Full Moon on 2/19 in Virgo ~

full moon in virgo

~ This February's Full Moon on 2/19 is in Virgo ~


Essences: Motivation, order, organization, inquiry, discovery, expression, presence, purpose 


Questions to Ask: What am I motivated to make happen at this Full Moon?

Where am I currently finding my greatest source of inspiration?

What does having greater presence in life feel like for me? What situations do I find help usher me into presence?

What do I feel my purpose is at this Full Moon?

What am I curious about in life right now? What kind of clarity, or discoveries, do I seek?

What areas of my life currently need more organization? 

What am I embracing at this Full Moon? And subsequently, what am I letting go of? 


What to Become Aware of: This will be the brightest Super Moon of the year for us earth dwellers. It’s a potent, sensitive, illuminating night for growth, discovery, and greater presence. Work with this energizing energy as an opportunity to see what sorts of situations you feel the least present with in life — meaning, in what sorts of situations do you find yourself very easily sinking into incessant, painful mental chatter which leaves you feeling even more wired and lost than how you went into the situation? Presence is really just a consistent sinking into an embrace of the reality of every moment, sans the mental chatter which labels the intricacies of the situation. Of course, it’s nearly impossible and not at all necessary to live our days devoid of thought. Rather, our work is to keep choosing to drop into the witnessing consciousness of the moment by experiencing the situation from an unbiased, grateful point of view. When we are the grateful witness of how life unfolds, rather than the pained victim, we are able to live in more celebration, ease, clarity and ultimately, presence. May this Moon remind you of what it feels like to love your life, especially the hard parts, as they are your greatest catalysts for growth into living your most authentic and aligned essence.

This is an orderly Full Moon, inspiring greater organization and cleanliness in both our inner and outer worlds. The inner begins with aforementioned presence, as well as bodily cleanliness with our health. The outer begins with cleaning up the spaces we inhabit most, especially the spaces in which we do our work. No matter if you’re currently feeling passion or inspiration for your work, get to cleaning up the space where you do it — sit back and watch greater ease and clarity come through. Get back to the basics of what you really need, and clean out the clutter of what doesn’t serve. Of course keep your trinkets and the sacred symbols that inspire you around, but be sure to give them a little sprucing too! Give them a dusting, some sunlight, and definitely some moonlight! If you’re able, lay your most treasured trinkets outside under the illumination of the Moon (or at least on a moonlit window sill) to charge them up with good gratitude and vitality.

Now is the time to listen to our gut, literally, to pay attention to the signals of our bodies and how they respond to what we put inside them, as well as to our environment and whatever stimulation may be around. This is a wonderful time turn off your phone, unplug your wifi router, and get connected to the more natural world around you. In this modern world, our delicate bodies are constantly bombarded with radio frequencies and EMFs that we may not realize or feel in the moment we’re exposed to them, but long-term exposure most definitely has negative consequences on our hormonal systems, and therefore all bodily systems. Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to heal chronic health conditions when exposed to these frequencies. We need to get back to nature. And of course technology isn’t all evil, we just need time away from it — we need to find a balance in how we use it and we need to become aware of ways in which we can minimize our exposure to it day to day (especially when living in a big city!) Give this article a read if you’re curious to know more. Again, tonight is a wonderful night to connect to the intensity of the organic matter around us without the interference of frequencies beyond our control. What we can control is our presence with the moon, with the earth, with the elements, and with ourselves and with each other. 

A Ritual to Practice: Gratitude Inventory

The Full Moon is all about gratitude + celebration! Take inventory on what currently lights you up. Dedicate yourself to this 3 part ritual for the next 28 days or so, until the next Full Moon.

  • Adorn: Choose a favorite piece of jewelry to be your gratitude 'charm'. On day one, hold this charm and infuse it with your deepest gratitudes. Let yourself be moved by the countless blessings in your life. Wear this charm throughout the ritual as a sweet reminder.
  • Gratitude Jar: Then, every day for 28 days, write 1-3 things you're grateful for and put it into a glass jar. Be specific ~ tap into how these people, experiences or qualities have elevated your life. Place your jar where the sun and moon can shine light into your blessings.
  • On day 29: Empty your jar and read your notes with full presence. Continue to make gratitude a vital part of your daily life.

This sweet Moon ritual comes from my oracle deck, The Moon Deck.


Share this Moon Letter with anyone you feel would find some love from it ~
::: Have you downloaded Meagan's Intuitive Moon E-Book? This little book is intended to serve as your appetizer to these bi-monthly love letters. 
This book is not about teaching you how to work with the Moon in order to get what you want. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to encourage you to use the Moon as a symbol in your life — a symbol with whatever meaning you decide. I am so honored to take this journey with you! :::
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