art is Fredrik Söderberg
» This October's FULL Moon on 10/1 is in Aries «
Oct 1 2:05pm PDT / 5:05pm EDT / 9:05pm GMT
Oct 2 7:05am AEST
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Courage, self-knowing, willing, assertive, trusting, appreciation, commitment, showing up
Questions to Ask
Is there anything I want to create / say that I believe I am not worthy of being the one to create / say?
In what ways do I depend more on others to lead me, rather than leading myself?
In what ways have I changed in the last year?
How am I now witnessing these changes to serve me positively today?
What are my current coping mechanisms? What triggers my coping?
In what ways (with myself or the world around me) can I be controlling?
What helps me to trust? When do I feel hopeful? When do I feel prayer-full?
What to Become Aware of
Aries Full Moons are loving and supportive illuminations of how we are presently showing up in the world, how we have changed for the better over time, and they hone us in on what elements of our personal lives could use an adjustment of energy. We are called this week to detect a new balance between tending to our own needs and being of service to to others. We do this through a self-understanding of whether we are acting from control or from trust (more on this below).
We are simultaneously called to show up in all the willingness and creativity we bring to society, as well as to privately and tenderly show up for our own inner and outer needs. There is both a message here of sharing something (our gifts, a service, an act of compassion) as well as not-sharing something (tending to an inner reality that no one else needs to know about or understand). What do we need this week to feel safe in our bodies? Where can we adjust priorities to recalibrate?
We cannot properly give to others what we are not properly giving to ourselves. That is what this magnificent Moon is tuning us into if we can just get still enough to listen. As Aries rules the body as our portal to quick insight, we can work with our full incarnation to receive the messages we seek about how to take aligned action and move forward in grace. Everything that we need to know about ourselves, we can experience through the body. Everything we experience about ourselves, we experience through the body. We can honor it, accept it, and trust it. We can greatly benefit right now by sitting with the subtleties of our bodies. Where is there persistent tension? What triggers fight, flight or freeze? What is the recurring pain? We really can receive quick insight into our mental and emotional states through these subtleties, and adjust our priorities accordingly. Maybe we’re called to get more sleep. Maybe we’re called to stop eating a certain something. Maybe we’re called to move differently. Listen closely to what comes up for you and lean in the first insight you receive.
There is a large element of trust here. Trust over control. Trust in how the time scales and manifestations of our lives have always played out as they need, in the times they need, for 1) our highest Good and 2) for the Divine Will be done. There is so much that so many of us wish we could cast a sweet spell on and change. We are each moving through personal desires and controlling / coping mechanisms. The energy right now can be overwhelming, and when overwhelm sets in, coping mechanisms can set in. This Full Moon can illuminate where we cope, dumb, and desensitize.
Here’s a clear way we can tune in and recalibrate — Sit with these two paths, and check in with yourself about where you’re at and where you’d like to be:
PATH 1: I sense myself needing to control —> I’m getting overwhelmed (this is causing me mental anguish) —> I’m resulting to coping mechanisms (unproductive, possibly harmful action) —> I feel desensitized to Nature and Source —> I’m left feeling hopeless
PATH II: I am feeling trusting / surrendered —> I am holding a Vision (I feel prayer-full and intentional) —> I’m moving with positive action (productive and rewarding action) —> I feel sensitive to greater self-understanding and unity —> I am hopeful
My prayer is that we each find the inner support we need today to rise in courage to choose the second path. May we journey in all of the willingness and creativity our Creator designed us to. May we assert ourselves in grace, compassion, and positive action. May we appreciate all of the elements of our lives now, in how they mentor us through self-transmutation, to know our worth more often, and to guide us into the embodiment of how we want to show up in the world. May we hold this vision of how life needs us to show up today, as a prayer of peace and unity. May we sensitize ourselves to what is working, what is wonderful, and where we do feel cared for. May we commit now to greater self love through self care so that we may properly care for each other and the wider world around us.
A Ritual to Practice
Re-Sensitizing — A practice for unearthing coping mechanisms and re-sensitizing our systems to work with overwhelm through positive action rather than apathy.
Download (or re-create) and fill out the below chart — LINKED HERE is a numbers / excel version and LINKED HERE is a PDF version.
Refer to your answers in some of the Questions to Ask for what needs to go in the blanks. Another helpful way to tune in is, like stated in the letter above, sit in a quiet meditation and tune into the subtleties of bodily sensations. Trust the first insights that arrive through the body as your portal to clarity. Print this out, put it on your altar, bury it under some flower seeds, whatever you feel drawn to.

Bright Full Moon Blessings!