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» Full Moon 12/29 in Cancer «

full moon in cancer 2020
art is Her Tears Were Expensive, Fresh Water Pearls by Ariana Papademetropoulos

» This December's FULL MOON on 12/29-30 is in Cancer « 

Dec 29 7:28pm PST / 10:28pm EST

Dec 30 3:28am GMT / 2:28pm AEST

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“Simplicity, patience, compassion.

These three are your greatest treasures.

Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.

Patient with both friends and enemies,

you accord with the way things are.

Compassionate toward yourself,

you reconcile all beings in the world.”


⏀ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching



Commitment, self, home, expression, imagination, endeavor / explore, nostalgia, attitude


Questions to Ask

What am I detoxifying (emotionally, physically, spiritually) from this last year?

What am I presently excited about?

Where does my creativity live right now? Where, about what, who with?

What does being in the flow feel like for me right now?

What is my word for 2021?

What are my greater intentions for 2021?


What to Become Aware of

We are stepping into a new awareness of who we are on a soul level, so that this revolution in self-consciousness may be the foundation for our revolution in collective-consciousness. We are endeavoring into the many facets which make each of us unique puzzle pieces, essential to the bigger picture.

We are encouraged to drop judgement and disappointment now, and rather to tend to our own inner work by exploring how our triggers are mirrors and where old energy needs to be released. We are still basking in the Solstice glow — completing a rebirthing cycle, a release of the non-resonant and of outdated modes of understanding. As we continue to honor change through this stepping into a new Gregorian year, we only benefit from bringing awareness to what needs to be released and what our intentions are for 2021. We are asked to bring a new level of excitement and creativity, an adventurous attitude, to our upcoming endeavors. We are asked to use our magic imagination to write the stories we wish to see on an individual level, as our actions ripple out to create the collective. Otherwise, who is writing your story for you?

Moon in her home sign of Cancer gifts us a sentimental slice of home, connecting us to our inner worlds and sense of comfort and safety. This may be quite a nostalgic, lonesome sort of feeling. But don’t get caught in the head trip. Explore every sensation through the lens of the heart, honoring how time ushers us on to exactly where we need to be — that every step, every little and larger sense of “home” you’ve ever had, has created who you are in this moment, and that this moment will further create who and where you are in times to come. Honor nostalgic sensations for how they can continue to shape how you tend to your inner needs, how you comfort yourself, and how you discern what outside of yourself is truly comforting or not.

These are vulnerable times, as we fluctuate between strength and weakness and practice the continual release of expectation. This Cancer Full Moon brings big energy of flow ~~ allowing what needs to arise to arise, staying in a place of neutrality and healthy non-attachment. Non-attachment doesn’t mean denying emotion, or not owning anything, but it means not allowing anything to own you. Not allowing anything to define you. Whether that be memories, emotions, relationships, jobs or material objects. As we flow into an awareness of who we are on a soul-level, we come to understand that this “who” is not so much a who as an un-definable, whole, and integral breath of the Creator.

May we anchor into this sweet flow, this knowing, as 2020 comes to a close. May we celebrate all that is at work in our lives, and commit to giving daily gratitude for how we are held and for the home of the heart.

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