The inspiration that flows into and out of Chloe is both grounding and expansive, contemplative and all-knowing. I have always admired Chloe for her depth and the breadth to which she welcomes all experiences as sacred and precious. She oozes living, breathing intentionality. I am so honored to share some of her story and current creations here, so that you may take part in the alchemy of her inspiration too.
Where do you come from? What elements of that place (or places) has impacted your journey thus far?
I am from Western Australia. It's a land of many terrains as it's a huge expanse of land, though primarily it's quite dry, quite flat, and has some of the most pristine and beautiful beaches in the world. I grew up as a total water baby, spending so much time on the beach and swimming in the ocean. My dad's an old hippie surfer guy so he taught me how to surf about age 10 too. I did Surf Life Saving too, so I would swim long distances in the water.
Anytime i'm away from the ocean for too long I start to get unbalanced. I'd say this element has vastly and poignantly impacted my life. A dunk in the ocean is true cleansing medicine to me. Water in general is, but the ocean is the ultimate space. Lying on the beach, looking at the sky, and listening to the waves is so, so special to me.
What is your work?
Well right now it's launching a brand new social sharing app / creative platform (accessible on iphone, android or desktop) as an extension of The Mojo Mecca! The Mojo Mecca has fed me in different ways through the years, with designing products, services, sessions etc. But this feels like the culmination of everything i'm passionate about and everything this project represents.
So my vision is to create a new social media platform that's totally independant and so not as filtered, censored or intense haha. The intention is for it to enrich your inner life, connect you to like-minded individuals, and be a space that ultimately serves the elevation of consciousness on our beautiful planet.
There's all the same features as instagram (posting photos/videos/live vids), but with a more specific groups feature (e.g for mamas, or artists, small business owners, or people wanting wellness tips etc.). But to make it feel a little different we'll be featuring different creatives each week, who will share daily tips, rituals, videos etc.. about their work/passion/life. + members can also join our weekly group meditation and connection sessions via zoom too. So yeah, like instagram but more intentional, small scale and supportive.
We're gonna soft launch 1st September and give people a free month to try it all out, then October there'll be a super small monthly subscription fee of $5, which allows us to remain independent and to also financially support a wide range of organisations and causes each month.
So yeah that's the spiel! Been taking a lot of my time and energy lately. But there's a fire in me to move towards side-stepping mainstream media channels and control our narrative a bit more, or just to create an alternative for people who may be getting overwhelmed with those platforms and the pressure that is often associated with them.
Alongside that i'm working towards a Degree in Counselling, studying part time online. So the two feed one another nicely, actually.
What ignites your spirit to soar?
Feeling purposeful towards something that's bigger than me.
What creative endeavors do you currently feel drawn to at this time?
Hmm, i've been out of my creative hobbies flow due to a lotta time/energy going towards the app and studying, but I always make time to sketch and make art, often as i'm winding down before bed, just doing intuitive patterns and symbols. I want to make bigger pieces of art and paint more though, so thanks for the inspo!
How have you learned to tap into your inner guidance? What are some of your rituals today for doing so?
Lately I've been simultaneously tapped in but also tuned out haha. I haven't been engaging in solid rituals, as in the past I had. In the time I'm not working on projects I've been at the gym, on nature walks, or 'vegeing out' on the couch watching netflix haha. Not really the vision of a ritualistic life. But it's just honestly my flow lately, I don't want to paint a different picture in people's minds. Though I do still make time to meditate some mornings, where I sit upright and practice reverse breathing, and do an energetic-clearing practice. I'd like to be more consistent with this. I still like to pray before meals, intending beautiful things into the food I consume. But definitely nature walks and swims are my most nourishing rituals for just tapping into the present moment, noticing the beauty, and being in a space of heightened revelations, clarity and peace.
What does “Beauty” mean to you?
Trusting in the innate presence that you are, regardless of external validation or even acceptance of yourself. So many times I don't feel beautiful when I look in the mirror - but essentially that is false. I am always beautiful because I have a beautiful spirit and a purpose for being here on this planet. And nothing physically will ever diminish that. Coming back to that knowingness is helpful. It's still nice though to do things to enhance your beauty though. Trying to eat well, pray, be in nature, meditate on peace, strip back layers of negative beliefs, discover authenticity, wear cute outfits, find good skincare (so excited to try yours!!! my skin has been stressed lately haha), and laugh and have fun. Let ageing happen to you gracefully. Let life weather you in beautiful ways, outlining your resilience and stories. It's all beautiful deep down.
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