This radiant woman, Angela Shore, is the founder of Jiva-Apoha — an elevated brand of all-organic, consciousness-altering skincare. Jiva-Apoha quite literally translates as Soul-Healing in ancient Sanskrit, the sanctified language of healing sound and awareness. I fall at a loss of words when I attempt to describe Angela. She is kind, open, dedicated, of service, grateful . . . the best of a friend to me. Her essence runs through each Jiva blend created, and when doused on an individual body, she connects us to all that is Greater, and Good and just . . . United. The Jiva brand similarly rockets far beyond the saturation of beauty & wellness industries — Angela alchemizes through Jiva as a medium to speak out about the state of being human today. Her Instagram is like a prayer — full of art, surrender, both the yin and the yang, the demand that the divine will be done.
Read some her grounded, elevated perspective below. And if your skin has yet to experience a bottle of Jiva, may I highly (HIGHLY) suggest Holy Grass Body / Mukti (Freedom) Body / Kama (Love) Body / Sundara (Beauty) Face Oil . . .
What environment do you hail from? What elements of that have impacted your journey thus far?
"I am all that is Earth in harmony.
There are many elements of nature to learn from — sheer proof that we are the students and Earth is the teacher. I’m just a messenger doing the work and in return, the work helps me stay grounded along the journey.
Living by this approach on a daily level makes a difference in connecting mind, body and consciousness together."
What is your work?
"I’m the creator of Jiva-Apoha Oils.
Providing soul-healing-organic-skincare. Combining ancient practices and foundations from the wisdom of nature where East meets West.
This work came about as my barometer in self-discovery of balance and good health."
"My Green Beauty Ritual . . .
I’ve recently added a few new items that I’m in love with and that are great for travel.
— Josh Rosebrook’s Hydrating Accelerator for face . . . marshmallow high :-)
— Captain Blankenship’s Golden Waves for hair . . . the feeling of Summer year round is up my alley and perfect for the tropics.
— Aromabliss Bliss Balm . . . love adding this face cream after using our Jiva Sundara Face oil . . . loaded with organic rice bran, red raspberry seed, avocado and manjista plus much more.
And my heart goes to my fellow native makers . . .
— Sakari Botanicals Grandmother’s Salve with sweetgrass, yarrow and comfrey.
— Cheryl’s Herbs Rattlesnake Master Balm . . . yep that’s right . . . magic potions!
Both are amazing for hands, feet, and lower-back. Always a plus!"
My Supplement Ritual
"The new Leaf Care Organic Ayurvedic herbs.
My buddies at Butala Emporium NYC carry amazing herbs and goods from India and they just launched Leaf Care Organic, so I’m on Ashwagandha + Gotu Kola (for Vitality & Nervous System), Asoka (for Menstruation Regulator) and Brahmi (for Brain), three staples for my body constitution."
My Spiritual Ritual
Practice compassion and endurance with an open ear and heart.
Working on breath work.
A little spirit light:
with candles, prayer and a good smudge."
What creative endeavors do you feel drawn to at this time?
"Travel, new journeys, plant medicines.
To collaborate with others that share the same voice in giving back.
I feel compelled to create more space and time with a landscape that holds both. Barefoot goals."
What has been the biggest opposing force on your journey thus far?
"The challenge of everyday . . . Am I doing enough?"
What does "Beauty" mean to you?
"Pleasure to the body and mind.
Lately it’s also about the beauty of community when our voices are shared for Democracy and giving Power to the People."