"I ordered your alchemy skin serum four months ago when I had terrible acne and rosacea and when it arrived I would hold it in both hands, look in the mirror and tell myself "you are beautiful" everyday before applying it to my sore, red face.
Right now I am happy to report my skin is CLEAR.
I have some acne scarring on my cheeks that is continuing to fade every day and I get the odd pimple on my chin every now and then. However aside from that, I no longer suffer from cystic acne and my confidence has improved immensely. Most importantly my face doesn't HURT all of the time, I feel confident to look people in the eye again when they're talking to me, I have more time to live my life instead of googling and testing out acne products, spending too much time in the bathroom looking at the mirror, and watching success stories on YouTube hoping that what worked for them will work for my skin.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for making a product that works and giving me my life back!
I've attached photos for you to see the dramatic transformation because I feel that pictures truly do speak louder than words. Like I said I still have acne scarring and my face is a little red sometimes but how I feel outweighs those little imperfections."