✧ This March's New Moon is on 3/17 in Pisces ✧
your present,
your own apple.
Pick it from
your tree.
Raise it
in your hand.
It's gleaming with stars.
Claim it.
Take a luxurious bite
out of the present,
and whistle along the road
of your destiny.
~ Pablo Neruda
Essences: Alchemy, awareness, healing, beginning, re-invigoration, patience, vibration, experience
Questions to Ask: Where do I feel wounded?
How long have I been feeling this way? When did it begin?
In what ways are these wounds holding me back?
Underneath it all, what is my intuition still calling me to do?!
How can I best answer this call?
Now that I am aware of the wound, what are three things I can do today to alchemize the situation back into what my intuition calls for?
What project or new perspective can I begin today?
What to Become Aware of: New Moon’s are times when our intuitive light in the sky is completely absent. These are times when we are reminded to Be Our Own Light — to shine the healing light of our awareness into the murkier, scarier spaces we habitually ignore when the distraction of another light is available. Life becomes so much more delicious and nutritious when we take our power back into our own hearts, realizing that it is always us, all along, who create our experiences and how we feel about them. The healing begins it’s work on the root of the wound the moment we become aware of how much of a participant we are in the goings ons of life — an aura of victimhood delays healing, as it veils our truth in something societally “comfortable”. We heal ourselves and we transcend ourselves when we choose to act in a surrendered participation with the wound, rather than react in habitually angry or victimized ways. Your wound of this New Moon is your gift! It is your opportunity to see where you have gone a little off-course, and to take a stand in saying, “I have the power here! And I choose to transform this experience into something positive and creative in my life.”
This is what it is all about! This is the bliss of being alive! This is the full experience of being human — of alchemizing the darkest night into pure light. This is the kind of work that beautifully shapes and heals us all. When we can all commit to shining our awareness on the pain of our individual life, we raise the collective vibration and inspire others to do the same.
This New Moon is a wonderful time to take some time for yourself and peer into any wound or multiple wounds that have been holding you back for the past few months, years, or lifetime! Question your habits surrounding this wound — get honest with yourself about the ways it’s plaguing you and how it’s changed you. Realize that any change you see is only temporary, because you are so very much more. You are the awareness that sees this. You are the beauty and the power that transforms this. This is also a wonderful time to begin something new — New Moons are always encouraging of this. Start the project that the wound has been holding you back from. Embrace a new perspective about the situation and find ways to remind yourself of how to hold that every day.
Remain patient. Gather your information and feelings one moment at a time. Stay present. You can’t rush your healing. Trust that everything will one day make sense. Let continuous curiosity be your fuel. Take note of all serendipitous encounters, little and large. Don’t get distracted. Stay light.
A Ritual to Practice: Stream of consciousness writing —
On a new page, again write down the three things you can do today in order to alchemize your wound into what your intuition calls for (remember, this was your answer to one of the above ‘Questions to Ask’). This is you taking action to bring your awareness to where you feel hurt, and sets the course for transformation. Then, begin stream of consciousness writing (for as little or as long as you need to) about how you can inspire yourself to move forward and actually take these steps. Speak kindly to yourself here. Make it a love letter to yourself, encouraging you on how to best heal and grow. Then, begin your project! Begin the thing that you've been delaying for so long. We all need for you to!
X. M
* Art is by Cristian Boian
⟡ Have you downloaded Meagan's FREE Intuitive Moon E-Book? This little book is intended to serve as your appetizer to these bi-monthly love letters.
This book is not about teaching you how to work with the Moon in order to get what you want. Rather, it’s a gentle introduction to encourage you to use the Moon as a symbol in your life — a symbol with whatever meaning you decide. I am so honored to take this journey with you! ⟡