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» New Moon 7/9 in Cancer «

new moon in cancer 7/9/21 astrology moon + rock
image is Hilma af Klint, Le Cygne no. 21

» This July's NEW MOON on 7/9 is in Cancer « 

July 9 6:16pm PDT / 9:16pm EDT

July 10 2:16am BST / 11:16am AET



❖ Essences

Softening, listening, trusting, returning, support systems, self-care, vulnerability, gifts


❖ Questions to Ask

What does “home” feel like within my own body-mind-spirit?

What matters of the heart do I feel most triggered by right now?

Where do I find myself becoming defensive? How can I soften in and open up?

Where do I feel over-extended?

Where do I need to give back more?


❖ What to Become Aware of

This lovely Cancer New Moon bears great gifts of tenderness and trust, invoking a courageous spirit within the heart, asking us to tune gently into the emotions arising in the body and honor their presence as gifts for transcendence and growth. While New Moons birth intentions and begin new cycles of energy, Cancer brings us home into ourselves now for more of a private, internal experience of self-care. We are reassessing now what it really means to feel at home within ourselves — what does this look and feel like for you on a day to day basis, especially when the going gets tough?

Now is a time to carve out that safe space for ourselves to come back to at the end of the day — whether that be just emotionally / energetically, or literally as well. We can use this time to take inventory of what our immediate home environment is feeling like — how is it supporting us, or how is it distracting us? Clear the clutter, minimize, do a deep cleaning in the corners of both heart and home that need some fresh air brought into them.

There is a divine dance happening now between our masculine and feminine energies. We are asked to be soft in our strength, and strong in our softening. At this time, we can be aware of the ways that we both need to receive as well as to give. Where we feel over-extended is where we need to be more open to receive, and where we feel that we are given an abundance, we need to be more open to giving back. This is a reciprocal dance between the privacy of home and the extroversion of community. All the while we are called to carry with us a strong sense of place within our own being, grounding into self-trust no matter where we go.

There is tremendous, unexpected wisdom in unconditional self-trust. Whatever may be arising in our emotional fields, we need to honor and care for it just as we would any vulnerable child. This nurturing of the self initiates an emergence of higher awareness, as we cannot serve the world if we don’t first serve ourselves. Listen softly. Return home.

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